Mtre Ioanna Lianis

Mtre Ioanna Lianis
Criminal lawyer and family mediator


Holding a degree from the University of Montreal and being a member of the Quebec Bar since 2007, Mtre Lianis has been practicing criminal and penal law for over 15 years. Mtre Lianis also practices as an accredited family mediator and mediator-supervisor in family matters with professionals wishing to obtain an accreditation as a family mediator. She is involved with her professional order, acting as a decision-maker at the Quebec Bar’s Committee on Petitions.


Mtre Lianis is a professional recognized for her integrity, empathy, and commitment. In criminal and penal law, Mtre Lianis analyzes each case thoroughly to provide a clear overview of the situation and advise clients on their best options. She is highly committed to ensuring that her clients obtain a full and complete defence, whether to be acquitted, avoid a criminal record, receive a more lenient sentence or avoid going to jail. In mediation, Mtre Lianis makes sure that she understands everyone’s wishes and needs. She then ensures that all decisions taken are in the best interests of all parties.


Mtre Lianis participated in the documentary series “Infractions” broadcast on the MOI ET CIE and TVA networks. This series follows the judicial history of people criminally charged. These cases are real cases, and the individuals you see on your TV screen are the accused persons themselves. This series provides a better understanding of the role of defence counsel, the reality experienced by those individuals who have run into trouble with the criminal justice system, and of course a better understanding of how the judicial process and system work. Mtre Lianis presented in seasons 1 and 2 various cases (shoplifting, fight during working hours, assault against the former father-in-law, occupational fraud, drug possession, mischief and criminal harassment, death threats, assault against the former spouse, impaired driving, and hit-and-run driving).

Me Ioanna Lianis, Avocate et médiatrice

Mtre Ioanna Lianis

Bachelor of Law
from the University of Montreal

Member of the Quebec Bar
since 2007

Member of the Quebec Bar’s
Committee on Petitions

Member of the Association des
avocats de la défense de
Montréal, Laval et Longueuil

Accredited family mediator

in family matters