Does your criminal record prevent you from entering the United States? Do you need to go to the U.S. for business? Do you wish to visit family or friends? Do you plan to spend your vacation in the U.S.? Apply for a waiver.


Let us guide you throughout this process.


It is possible to obtain a waiver that will allow you to enter the United States for a period determined by the American authorities. You do not have to obtain your record suspension (pardon application) in Canada before proceeding, although it may be advisable to do so. However, not everyone can wait for the suspension process to be completed, either because of business or work travel, or family obligations.


Preparing a waiver application can seem very complicated. That’s why we will take care of almost everything for you and guide you through the steps that only you can do (fingerprinting). We will take the time to meet with you and gather all the information necessary to carry out our mandate so that you can have peace of mind. Then, we will ensure a regular follow-up with you on the progress of the preparation of your file.

Did you know that…

a waiver has a limited duration and must be renewed regularly? A waiver is usually granted for a period of one year or five years for a first application. Upon renewal, it is usually granted for a period of five years.

Many advantages of entrusting your waiver application to us

Turnkey solution

Fixed price

Prepared by a lawyer

Solid experience

Rigour and thoroughness

Top-notch service

Peace of mind

Learn more

You can also take a look at our blog post regarding the timeframes, price and advantages of doing business with a lawyer to prepare your waiver application.